Street Harrassment Summit Workshop Recap!
Thank you to those who chose to attend our “How to DEAL” workshop at the Summit! The young women of the Sisters In Strength Program did a stellar job in planning this conference. Even better, we were treated to some tasty 5Borough ice cream: Staten Island flavor!

The workshop was very intimate, and we were glad to have youth from the Girls & Young Women’s Initiative present! The young women were very open in sharing their personal experiences with street harassment within a very specific portion of the city. With another woman present who attended school in the same area, as well, it was an unfortunate realization that students are still preyed upon, followed, and left to feel unsafe. The workshop covered scenarios that people frequently hear about, then relegate to urban legend--- mostly involving unwanted advances from predators. The youth leaders from the Girls & Young Women’s Initiative shined during the break out sessions and really tackled the scenarios in creative ways, teaching the FiRE facilitators a thing or five.
Again, thank you for attending FiRE’s first public youth workshop since its founding! WE appreciate your participation and would really love opportunities to collaborate, SO KEEP IN TOUCH!!!